A bazaar crowded with random offerings. William Gibson/Henrik Ibsen. Zafon, Murakami, Van Gogh. A table of well-thumbed Louisa May Alcott. Shiny Urban Fantasy and an aromatic clutter of cookbooks.
Last month I promised UK and Canadian readers that their day would come. Well, in a few more hours, it will be here: I'm giving away 3 more ebook copies of The Upsilon Knot, and this time, it's just for you!
This special UK+Canada Giveaway kicks off tomorrow and runs through the end of 2013.
Does the holiday season tend to knock you out? Imagine kicking off the new year by kicking back with a good old-fashioned l-o-o-n-n-g escapist read (wooly sox and beverage of your choice optional, albeit anticipated).
You'll find details on the BookLikes Giveaways page.
Post scriptum: If this is the first you've heard of this ripping-alternative-19th-century yarn, please visit my website to learn more (explore the World Of page, and don't neglect to click on the Sneak Peek to read the book's prologue).